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Oct 21, 2016
Lockton Edge

Britannia announce no General Increase for 2017

The European Union’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) was extended to cover emissions from shipping as of 1st January 2024.

The EU ETS is limited by a 'cap' on the number of emission allowances. Within the cap, companies receive or buy emission allowances, which they can trade as needed. The cap decreases every year, ensuring that total emissions fall.

Each allowance gives the holder the right to emit:

  • One tonne of carbon dioxide (CO2), or;
  • The equivalent amount of other powerful greenhouse gases, nitrous oxide (N2O) and perfluorocarbons (PFCs).
  • The price of one ton of CO2 allowance under the EU ETS has fluctuated between EUR 60 and almost EUR 100 in the past two years. The total cost of emissions will vary based on the cost of the allowance at the time of purchase, the vessel’s emissions profile and the total volume of voyages performed within the EU ETS area. The below is for illustration purposes:
  • ~A 30.000 GT passenger ship has total emissions of 20.000 tonnes in a reporting year, of which 9.000 are within the EU, 7.000 at berth within the EU and 4.000 are between the EU and an outside port. The average price of the allowance is EUR 75 per tonne. The total cost would be as follows:
  • ~~9.000 * EUR 75 = EUR 675.000
  • ~~7.000 * EUR 75 = EUR 525.000
  • ~~4.000 * EUR 75 * 50% = EUR 150.000
  • ~~Total = EUR 1.350.000 (of which 40% is payable in 2024)
  • For 2024, a 60% rebate is admitted to the vessels involved. However, this is reduced to 30% in 2025, before payment is due for 100% with effect from 2026.
  • Emissions reporting is done for each individual ship, where the ship submits their data to a verifier (such as a class society) which in turns allows the shipowner to issue a verified company emissions report. This report is then submitted to the administering authority, and it is this data that informs what emission allowances need to be surrendered to the authority.
  • The sanctions for non- compliance are severe, and in the case of a ship that has failed to comply with the monitoring and reporting obligations for two or more consecutive reporting periods, and where other enforcement measures have failed to ensure compliance, the competent authority of an EEA port of entry may issue an expulsion order. Where such a ship flies the flag of an EEA country and enters or is found in one of its ports, the country concerned will, after giving the opportunity to the company concerned to submit its observations, detain the ship until the company fulfils its monitoring and reporting obligations.
  • Per the EU’s Implementing Regulation, it is the Shipowner who remains ultimately responsible for complying with the EU ETS system.

There are a number of great resources on the regulatory and practical aspects of the system – none better than the EU’s own:

Britannia have followed Shipowners in announcing no general increase for 2017/2018. As announced in their press release:

Britannia waives a further USD11.5 million of deferred calls while requiring no general
increase in advance calls for 2017/18

Chairman’s statement
The Association’s Chairman, Nigel Palmer OBE, said:
“Britannia is continuing to support its Members with further waivers of deferred calls while also deciding not to increase its general rates for either P&I or FD&D in 2017/18. The Association’s strong finances allow it to take these positive steps, which assist Members in the most mutual way during the continuing difficult shipping market.

The Association has waived a total of USD51 million in recent years while retaining its Standard & Poor’s ‘A’ (stable outlook) rating.”

More detailed information on all of the call decisions for both Class 3 and Class 6 will be circulated to Members shortly, with a summary set out below.

P&I – Class 3
Both the 2014/15 and 2015/16 policy years are developing within projections, enabling Members to benefit from further waivers of deferred call.

Whilst still early, 2016/17 is also developing favourably, with benign claims levels both within the Association’s retention and on the Pool.

After a disappointing result in 2015/16, investment returns in the current year to date have been strong, boosted in particular by equities, and are well above the longer-term rate assumed for the policy year.

The Association’s projected capital position for 20 February 2017 (which includes the benefit of funds available in Boudicca) remains comfortably over its economic capital benchmark. That financial strength enabled the Committee to agree an ‘as expiring’ rate for P&I advance calls in 2017/18. The budgeted deferred call remains at 45%.

Taking into account inflation and the fact that they have been unchanged in recent years, the Committee decided that for 2017/18 deductibles would be adjusted as follows:

All deductibles at or below USD25,000 will increase by 10%, with the minimum deductibles to increase as follows:
Cargo claims – USD12,500 minimum (currently USD10,000)
Crew claims – USD3,000 minimum (currently USD2,000)
All other claims – USD7,000 minimum (currently USD5,000)

The Committee also decided that:
• the 2013/14 policy year will be closed with no further calls;
• a further 2.5% will be waived from the 2014/15 deferred call (reducing it to 35%, down from the original 45%) with the 17.5% balance of that deferred call being collected immediately; and
• the budgeted deferred call for 2015/16, originally set at 45%, will be reduced to 40%. The 25% due to have been collected in October 2016 will be reduced to 20%, giving Members an immediate cash benefit.

The Committee recommended that:
• Members continue to budget for a 45% deferred call in the 2016/17 policy year.

FD&D – Class 6
This class continues to see improvement.

Accordingly, the Committee decided that, for the fourth year in a row (and the sixth year out of seven), there should be no general increase in the 2017/18 FD&D advance call, with the deferred call remaining at 30%.

The Committee also decided that:

• the 2012/13 policy year will be closed with no further call; and
• the 30% budgeted deferred call for the 2015/16 policy year be collected immediately.

The Committee recommended that:
• Members continue to budget for the deferred call of 30% for the 2016/17 policy year.

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